Wednesday, May 29, 2013

“We have to show you something!!!” said two girls. I had no idea what it would be, but as I followed my eyes to where they were pointing, I stopped suddenly and my mouth dropped open. God is good! After two full days of drenching rain, there came a perfectly clear view of the most beautiful mountains I had ever seen. No picture can fully grasp the full beauty, but it surely shows what an amazing Creator we have!
Today I was blessed to be able to teach 4th graders and it was wonderful might I add! That is the grade I hope to teach someday in my own classroom. Tia Lucy is stretching me for sure! She gives me the activities for the class and steps back and there I go. One thing I learned today is how flexible teachers need to be, especially when all electricity goes out! I absolutely love seeing light bulbs coming on in student’s minds and knowing they are learning and get it. The time with the 4th graders went by so quick! Afterwards I went to one of the girls’ home for lunch and spent time with her family! I am loving these desserts here! Every time I see a yummy dessert I think of my mom, and know we are going to have so much fun when I get back cooking!!!

Please pray for my parents as they are traveling and enjoying their anniversary. Pray for their safety and blessing on their time together! Also, please keep in your prayers that I wouldn’t get discouraged when I have difficulty communicating. I am starting to get discouraged often and stop trying to converse. I know I am learning, but it is hard! Love you all and thank you for all your prayers and encouraging words!


  1. This is an amazing blog! I just shared your posts with the kids and we all love learning through your experiences. When I was done reading the last post Shelby asked if there was a “like” button. Keep trusting in God and enjoy yourself!

    1. I miss you all so much! I love you Shelby, Brady, and Bentley! Can't wait to see you when I get home!!

  2. Keep talking Allison! Remember that God provides and tells us to have courage. And that we are supposed to encourage one another. So if we are given courage and are to build on each other's courage (ENCOURAGE) then the taking away of courage (DISCOURAGE) comes from the enemy. And why would your enemy want you to be discouraged in speaking to people? Because God has a reason for you to be there and to interact with the people you are meeting!!!!! I love you and am SO PROUD of you!!!!

    1. Thank you Kelly! Reading this helps so much :) I love you!

  3. Moses thought he couldn't speak well enough either, Allison... but God is the one who spoke through him :) He's got great plans for you, too! Don't give up! Trust Him! He will do the translating! Much love to you!

    1. You are absolutely right Beth :) Thank you for saying that! I love you too!

  4. Allison,
    I love you and am SO blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for keeping us all up to date;for challenging and encouraging us! Your willingness to faithfully follow God is inspiring and beautiful. Today's Jesus Calling is so timely in my life and I know you will find that to be true in yours as well-our God is so faithful!
    2 Thessalonians 3:16
    'Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually give you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all'
    You are on my heart and in my prayers!
    Love & hugs,
    Rachael :)

    1. Hello there Rach! I miss you!! Thank you for putting that bible verse on here...that was a huge encouragement! I can't wait to hear what God is doing in your life! I love you:)
