Sunday, June 23, 2013

Another weekend gone by rapidly! As I look back, I stand in awe at how great our God is. There were moments that I felt I couldn’t keep going and God would answer my prayers and just guide, provide, and comfort me. God is the one who I can solely rely on and trust will never leave me! Praise the Lord!

Saturday was very busy! A local supporting church came to the House of Hope and helped out with micro business and cleaning. It was a fun time with lots of Spanish! After they left all the girls were starving for some carne (meat), so we had a Chilean barbeque! I’m finding there is nothing like an Iowan/Nebraskan barbeque, but it was still tasty. I remember looking at the table at all the dishes and asking myself, “How can you mix peas, lettuce, salt, lemon juice, and corn together?” Like I said, nothing like the delicious corn on the cob, cheeseburger, and baked beans! Then, we all decided to take a taxi to the movie theater with Tom! What a blast! Most of the movies at the movie theater are in English with Spanish subtitles, so I was even more excited to watch Fast and Furious. We got a tub of popcorn and a Coca Cola to share and I was shocked when I took my first bite of popcorn. It was sweet kettle corn, the complete opposite of salty, butter popcorn like in the states. I had no idea Chile had different popcorn! We got back about 1:30 a.m. so I was ready for bed!
Sunday I went to church with Tom and it was very enjoyable getting to know him better. I am really going to miss him when he leaves Monday night! He has been such a blessing and an encouraging person to talk to. I also went to Lilo’s house and got to spend time with her family. Her niece and nephew showed me their Chilean dance outfit, known as the Cueca. Adorable! The weekend was a blessing and I am excited to see what God has planned for this week! Please pray for my English class tomorrow night with the adults and that it will be God’s class first and foremost and the communication wouldn’t be an issue. Also, keep in your prayers Tom as he is traveling back home! Thank you all so much for your encouragement and blessing. God is good!


  1. What a cute little boy, glad your weekend was fun, and I pray you are feeling you!

  2. Adorable picture!! It is so encouraging to read your posts. God is really using you to minister to so many. It sounds like you are making some amazing weekend memories, too. Love and prayers, Steve and Kristi
