Saturday, July 20, 2013

Went up to the top of the Andes Mountains today with the girls! CRAZY BLESSING!!! It was the first time for most of the girls to see and touch snow, let alone be on the mountains. Their eyes got so big and their mouths just dropped open at the first sight. It was so much fun to experience it with them. First we went to the top and watched the skiers while drinking some coffee. I have to admit it didn’t compare to Mt. Crescent in Iowa. I was a little relieved we weren’t actually skiing down the steep mountains! Then came time to play in some snow! The girls just lit up making snow men, snow angels, and throwing snowballs for the first time! It was a blast even with my toes frozen in tennis shoes and layers of socks. Following many pictures and moments of laughter we decided to jump back in the warm bus and eat. Then the snowfall came! It was perfect…a light snow fall on the Andes Mountains.  The drive home, back down the mountains was unbelievable. With the sun slowly going down, Christmas snow falling in July, and being with girls that has forever changed my life. Unforgettable!
Tomorrow is my last time at the church and goodbyes are coming around the corner. I am so excited for Monday, when I start back at the school again, but it is bittersweet because leaving those children is going to be one of the hardest things I ever have to do. God’s strength is the only thing that will get me through these goodbyes. I am so thankful He never leaves me! He is ALWAYS with us through everything!


  1. You have had so many cool experiences and touched so many people. Thanks for taking us on your journey. Looking forward to seeing you very soon but sad for you that you have to leave a place you've come to love so much.

  2. Thanks so much for keeping us posted on this amazing adventure that God has taken you on!!!! You have been God's hands and feet to everyone there. What a perfect experience for your last week. I'm so glad you got to make that memory with the girls. Whenever we have left people we love, we say "See you later" as we know our paths will cross again either here or in eternity. Praying for you as you transition back home. : )
