Wednesday, July 17, 2013

“I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!” Deuteronomy 32:3
You know those little prayers you don’t think God listens to or cares about? Well, He does listen to and cares about every one of those little prayers! I had been praying that I would be able to go to Vina del Mar somehow and what an answer to prayer! God totally blessed my prayer and I just got back from 4 days in Vina with the Palacios family! What a blast! I can’t wait to tell you all about it and show you pictures, but for now I will keep it to a minimum!
Can I start by saying what an amazing Creator we have?!? It was absolutely gorgeous seeing the ocean and mountains in one area. So many pictures!!! The first day we spent it at the beach shopping, walking, and eating! It was different walking along the beach in a turtleneck and scarf! One place we ate at was an empanada restaurant and got filled up on those; (crab & cheese, corn & tomato, and manjar) have to say the manjar empanada was my favorite. On Sunday we attended church and spent some more time at the beach including eating manjar ice cream. I also learned that it is very common for people to pump your gas for you while you just relax in your car at the gas stations. Hearing about that made me giggle! Then on Monday we went sight-seeing and walked around Valparaiso, another older part of Chile next to Vina del Mar. There I got to see all the many colored homes and wonderful artwork. We ate a chorrillana (French fries with onions, eggs, and different meats) at a little restaurant in Valparaiso! Lastly on Tuesday we spent the morning just hanging out together and in the afternoon went to a typical Chilean birthday party. Lots of food and lots of fun! One of many blessings there was getting to speak English with a blind pastor at the party and hearing his story. There is so much more I can’t wait to share with you all, but for now I better go help prepare lunch. Please keep in your prayers that this last week would be a good closing week and God would show me His will for each day. Thank you so much for your prayers and love. Miss you all so much!

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad that God blessed you with that time in Vina, have a great rest of the week and back to work on Monday! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks, love mom.
