Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hola! Went to church today and what an experience! It left me speechless worshipping in another language with brothers and sisters of Christ. Seeing how little they have, but yet none of that matters because God only cares what is in your heart. I thought to myself how sad it is that so many churches in the U.S. have more than enough and still are not satisfied while churches in poor countries have nothing, but yet have everything. It made me grateful for what God has blessed me with at home and my church. After church I went to one of the girls home and spent almuerzo and once with their family. Once again they had pretty much nothing, but were so happy and generous. I learned another Fun Chile Fact: In the U.S. we are taught not to put elbows on the table, but in Chile you are taught to put elbows on the table and claim your space at the table! It was a fun day with tasty Chilean food including lots of homemade bread!!!

1 comment:

  1. That was what it was like in China. The churches were so poor and yet the people were so happy. I also found it pretty cool that in church the congregation was saying the Lord's Prayer in Chinese and we were saying it in English and we were in unison the whole time :)
